Thirteen Year Olds Are Why Poetry Exists
Thirteen Year Olds Are Why Poetry Exists
(A title by my friend Liv)
When I was four and little more
I learned to tie my shoes
I ran to Mom with such aplomb
To share with her the news
When I was six, as one predicts
I shed my training wheels
I sped around suburban ground
With no one at my heels
When I was nine, I drank the wine
My pastor proffered me
With sinful taste and sins erased
I saw all I could be
At age thirteen, two-parts caffeine
I always hit my marks
My classes As, my mind a maze
Of powder kegs and sparks
At eighteen years, I changed careers
In fact, I changed them twice
But neither stuck with just my luck
And time to sacrifice
At twenty five, somehow alive
I strived to do my best
But what was left when best bereft
And life an endless test?
Now thirty three, I stop to see
The many things I’ve tried
When just the news I tied my shoes
Could leave me satisfied